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PunkPD Academy

Abby Rees, Punk Pd Canberra


PunkPD are super-excited to have our very own online learning platform: The PunkPD Academy.

Our online learning tool allows us to offer our clients even more flexibility and imagination in tailoring education, Professional Development and Coaching strategies.

The PunkPD Academy is a great option on its own or to compliment live sessions (face-to-face or virtual) to further embed and discuss the material.


The PunkPD Academy is outstanding for:

Shorter bursts of learning for busy people

Increased accountability to integrate learning into the workplace

Combining with live facilitated group Coaching, or Education sessions to integrate and embed the learning into the workplace

Repeatable and replay-able content for those who require/prefer it which caters for diverse learning styles and enhances inclusivity

Learning that can be accessed anywhere, 24/7 and suited to a range of shift work, flexible working or complex team schedules and family needs

Increased support while integrating learning into the workplace through frequent and regular sessions 

The capacity to build a learning community and increase cross-collaboration and networking (particularly when combined with Group Coaching Sessions or Masterclasses)

Including your own organisational policies and materials

Sustained learning over a longer period, thus enhancing information and content absorption

Consistency across large groups

A ’flipped’ model of learning where participants are given time to digest and reflect on a model or learning piece before engaging in Coaching and an application conversation

Providing live progress reports and personalised certification upon completion

The PunkPD Academy includes ample scope for contextualisation and personalisation, providing a range of resources that participants can access in their time, based on their own schedules and learning needs.

The PunkPD Academy can include content that is released all at once or released at intervals of your choosing (for example every week or fortnight) and it’s a great complement to live Masterclasses or Group Coaching sessions, especially for longer or sustained education programs (for example, a year or six-month program).

Online learning through our PunkPD Academy will be inclusive of resources such as:

Learning videos recorded by the PunkPD team and created especially for you, based on your design needs

Reflection activities

Workplace integration activities

Articles and links to further reading and materials

Because a program that incorporates The PunkPD Academy can be tailored in many ways, we wanted to provide you with an example of how this could look.


You can also view this on our Professional Development Suite page as we use this for our extended leadership coaching program, The Rebel Leader.

Imagine a topic of your choice that you want to have a sustained and supported education focus on for your staff, for example, Behavioural De-Escalation and Customer Service.


PunkPD would work with you to design outcomes and then create learning modules and individualised content and create access to your very own PunkPD Academy Program. 

Each participant receives their individual log-in to access the modules in a way and at a time that best suits their learning needs and schedules.


This example option could include:

Four Learning Modules (learning separated into four meaningful topics)

20 weeks of supported learning which rotates fortnightly between new content on the PunkPD Academy and live Group Coaching sessions

The live Coaching sessions take place at the same each fortnight, and allow for personalised Q&A style integration conversations

The ‘drip-fed’ content on The PunkPD Academy ensure an even pace for learning for all participants and sets a clear learning focus for each week

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