People who are invested in their own transformation and growth will gain the most from Coaching.
If you want to make a change, or perhaps many, and have felt as though you lacked the skills and resources, or were unable to make the change stick- Coaching is for you.
If you have felt that you have potential that you haven't yet tapped into- Coaching is for you.
If you want to gain insight into your internal processing, the way you think, why you think what you think, and why you respond the way you respond- Coaching is for you.
If you are ready ‘to do the work’. A Coaching conversation, while transformative, is only partially going create change- the rest comes from you outside the session. So, if you are ready to do the work, Coaching is for you.
The more of these ‘Coachable Factors’ you tick, the more ready you are for Coaching:
Are you seeking to learn and develop emotionally, behaviourally or cognitively?
Are you open to receiving feedback?
Are you in a state of mental health?
Are you ready to reflect on your current and desired reality?
Are you committed and invested in your own development?
Are you ready and able to enter into a Coaching relationship?
Are you ready and able to become vulnerable?
Are you hungry for making a change or transformation?
Do you have people who support your decision to access Coaching?
Do you have the gumption to stay with the Coaching process?
Have you thought about your goals for Coaching?
What can I expect from Coaching?
You can expect our experienced Coaches to honour the story you bring and fully support you in actualising your desired outcomes. You can expect our coaches to mirror back to you your thinking and internal processes so that you can examine them and see if it is still serving you. You can expect to be challenged in service of you reaching your desired outcomes. You can expect a safe, compassionate and private environment.
How is Coaching different from Counselling?
Traditionally, counselling focuses on the issue. It is often a backwards-looking technique with the client often rehashing details of the past, what didn't work or what went wrong.
Philosophically, PunkPD do not like this approach because this practice can make the problem grow, not shrink, and stay present in our lives as we continually bring it up, re-story it and keep focussing on it.
Conversely, Coaching is forward-looking. It provides the facilitation techniques to build a desired future. This may include analysis and acknowledgement of the issue to learn about the structure or what keeps it in place in the present, but the focus is on 'so what now'?
Does a Coach Provide Advice?
A Coach’s role is to facilitate the client’s personal resources to resolve their challenge or create momentum towards their goal. It is not to provide direct advice. This common misconception is perpetuated by the Situational Leadership model (often used in leadership or management courses), which demonstrates that Coaching provides both high support and high direction. This is accurate on the sports field, but in developmental Coaching, direction is not provided in the traditional sense.
I still have questions about Coaching...
PunkPD's vision is to facilitate your transformation of potential into capability so that you may live the life you truly desire and rock your own world! Get in touch with us to explore what Coaching is, discuss your needs, goals and questions and decide if you are ready to get busy creating your desired life!
How to maximise your Coaching
1) Understand that to get results, there’s work to do
A great Coach will facilitate problem solving, shine a light on previously untapped resources and unlock inhibiting patterns and beliefs. Still, it's what the client chooses to do once they leave the Coaching conversation that leads to change.
The reality is that change and growth come from action. A coaching conversation facilitates and accesses the resources of the client to resolve their issue, achieve their goal or transition through a difficult phase. But, for this to be successful, the client needs to own their issue or goals. Amazing transformations can occur in Coaching conversations because clients access an inner resource or bust a limiting belief structure. Still, these need to lead to different actions when out in the world again for the change to occur. A Coach's skills are crucial for accessing and developing insights, visibility and skills, but the work to implement lies with the client.
2) Prepare for your session. Know what you want to focus on
When we see a Coach, it’s usually to work on a long-term goal (for example what do I want to do with my career?), or to work through a specific challenge (such as gaining confidence in issues) or improve in a certain area (for example to change your interpersonal dynamics). It is helpful to know what you want out of a session and the more explicit you can be, the better.
In short, have in mind what you want to get out of your Coaching session. This will give you the best bang for your buck as we'll be able to dive straight in!
3) Find the right fit. Comfort with and trust for your Coach matters!
Finding the right Coach who is a good fit for you is an excellent investment of both your time and money. Quality Coaches have the skills to propel you forward, access resources you didn't know you had and even help you to decide what you focus is or where you want to take your life, career or relationships. But it is essential to have good rapport with your Coach and to feel comfortable and safe with them.
It's also really important to find a Coach who is dedicated to their own learning, development and conscious evolution.
“As a Coach, and someone who engages in Coaching, I cannot stress the importance of finding a Coach who is dedicated to their own ongoing development. If they are not continually learning and developing to expand themselves, they cannot grow and develop you to the best of your potential. They will be limited by their own stage of development and therefore limit you to their stage of development. Get the Coach that embodies growth!’ (Abby Rees, Finding the Right Coach, 2018)